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Monday 19 September 2016

Info Post

  "There are no more readings that can improve the memory and provide peace to a person unless reading the Qur'an ...".
Dr. Al Qadhi, through a long and serious research on the Great Clinic Florida United States, managed to prove just by listening to the reading passages from the Koran, a Muslim, both those who speak Arabic or not, can feel a huge physiological changes.
Decreased depression, grief, gain peace of mind, ward off various diseases are common effects of perceived people who became the object of research. The discovery of a psychiatrist doctor is not haphazard.
His research is supported with the help of the latest electronic equipment to detect blood pressure, heart rate, muscle endurance, and skin resistance to the flow of electricity. From the results of a test try he concluded, reading the Koran great influence up to 97% in the delivery of mental tranquility and healing diseases.
Research Dr. Al-Qadi is also strengthened by another study done by a different doctor. In a research report submitted by the Conference of Islamic Medical North America in 1984, is mentioned, the Koran proved able to bring tranquility to 97% for those who listen.
Conclusion The test results reinforced by research published Muhammad Salim Boston University. The object of his research on five volunteers consisting of 3 men and 2 women. The fifth person did not understand Arabic and they were not told that that would be magnified listen to him is the Qur'an.
Research carried out a total of 210 times is divided into two sessions, first read the Qur'an with tartil and second read Arabic is not from the Qur'an. In conclusion, respondents get peace of up to 65% when listening to the reading of the Qur'an and get peace only 35% when listening to the Arabic language which is not from the Qur'an.
The Qur'an gives a great effect if played to the baby. This was revealed by Dr. Nurhayati of Malaysia in Counselling and Psychotherapy Seminar on Islam in Malaysia in 1997. According to his research, 48-hour-old infant who played him the verses of the Qur'an from a tape recorder showed a response to smile and be quieter.
What a joy and a great pleasure, we have the Qur'an. In addition to being worship in reading, reading a big impact for our physical and spiritual lives. If listening to classical music can affect intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ) a person, reading the Qur'an more than that. In addition to affecting IQ and EQ, reading the Qur'an affect spiritual intelligence (SQ).
Righteous God, who said, "And when the Qur'an is read, see well and observe calmly that ye may receive mercy" (Q.S. 7: 204).

(Zilzaal /


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